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What exactly is on-site SEO? Search Engine Optimization
Optimizing a website’s on-site components (also known as on-page SEO), as opposed to external links and other signals (together known as “off-site SEO”), in order to rank higher in search engines and receive more relevant traffic. Optimizing a page’s content and HTML source code on-site is known as on-site SEO.
When it comes to getting your site to the top of search engine results, you’ll need to focus on both on- and off-site SEO.
Proper on-site SEO not only aids search engines in interpreting page content, but it also aids people in determining whether or not a page is relevant to their search query. A smart on-site SEO strategy helps search engines comprehend what a human visitor would see (and what value they would gain) on any given webpage in order to dependably show up what human visitors deem high-quality information concerning a specific search query (keyword).
For both search engines and consumers, the ultimate purpose of on-site SEO is to make it as simple as possible to:
Recognize the purpose of a website;
For example, a keyword or group of keywords may be used to identify this page as related to a search query.
Search engines should find the page valuable and rank it highly (SERP).