Thank you to the brave souls that submitted their website for my honest site design review! In today’s video I will look at the first 3 website submissions.
If you enjoy this type of comment leave a thumbs up and comment, then I will know to shoot more in the very near future.
Websites reviewed:
1. https://fullscopecreative.com/
2. https://www.solvsmart.com/
3. https://www.aldboch.com/
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I'm here for the "You have no business in this business" moments!
Keep up the great work Chris.
Chris you should continue reviewing the websites, I've learnt so much and this is just from 2 reviews!! Maybe you cold even give a more in depth review and add the video's to your course.
Love your reviews Chris, We never learn in isolation, feedback like this helps us all become better at our craft. Cheers
Hey Chris, glad you are back making these type of videos!
Very good video helpful
Hey Chris….long time… Love from Pakistan
Hey Chris, nice video
I missed submitting my website for review, didn't see your post on time.
Can I have another opportunity to get my site reviewed from you?
I am also a member of a couple of your courses.
Hey im new here where can i post my website can u review my website design
You should start it out : "this video is intended to offend your sensitivities, you whimpy website owner! Fix these top xxx aspects and you'll WIN.. ignore, and Amber Heard will poop in your bed."
this is great content, you should be revered! The pewdiepie of SEO!
What a opportunity Chris you are giving us, every website designers should be with you in your course, website design experience 2nd to none in the industry
Ummm they should appreciate your experience and the fact you are sharing with us Chris. (Just my thoughts)