How to Prepare for Metaverse Digital Transformation
What does a decentralized content marketing strategy look like in Web3? Kris Ruby, CEO of Ruby Media Group, will walk you through what every brand marketer needs to consider for digital brand protection in Web3. How can brands use NFTs to increase brand loyalty with users? Will content marketers create unlockable gated content in the form of NFTs?
How brands are creating exclusive content experiences to generate loyalty with consumers.
IP Protection
Domain name cybersquatting and brand protection strategies
How will search change on Blockchain?
Do keywords matter on OpenSea?
Decentralized search engines
Content Marketing
Time stamping content to Blockchain
Gain exclusive access and benefits
Branded NFT collections + perks + Web3 digital experiences
Ownership (A look at the top decentralized content platforms)
Digital Asset Protection Strategy. Will digital collectables be a critical component of every digital PR strategy in the future?
How will NFTs shape the future of digital PR, marketing and media?
On-chain press credentials
Kris Ruby is the CEO of Ruby Media Group, an award-winning public relations and media relations agency in Westchester County, New York. Kris Ruby has more than 13 years of experience in the Social Media and Public Relations industry. She is a data-driven content marketer focused on helping clients build earned media results through PR, content marketing and PR for SEO strategies. Kris is a sought-after media relations strategist, personal branding specialist and public relations consultant.