If you are an SEO agency or a freelancer then this video is for you. you know when you just started and you are trying to land your first client and they ask for the contract, how terrifying that could be? What do you put in that contract? That is all we gonna discuss in today’s video.
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Download SEO Proposal Template – https://signaturely.com/contracts/seo-proposal-template/
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The Only SEO Proposal Template You Will Ever Need ft. Signaturely
Electronic contracts (E-Contracts) are quickly replacing traditional paper-based contracting methods. Businesses are adopting E-Contracts due to the massive benefits they afford, so if you’re thinking about digitizing your contracts and business documentation in general, now is a good time to do so.
#SEO #Signaturely #AlexBerman #Contract
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Checkout Signaturely, and get 3 free documents to sign every month: https://www.signaturely.com/
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