Complete On-Page SEO checklist
1High-Quality Page Content
The search engine only ranks detailed, unique and value-driven content.
2 Headers
This shows the structure of your content to search engines in HTML tags. Where Title is h1, sub-topics are h2, sub-sub topics are h3.
3 Meta Descriptions
Short page descriptions that appear just below the title in search results.
4 Slug and Title
The keyword included in URL is known as a slug and SEO-friendly title
5 Keyword Density
Total number of times you use your key phrase on your web page
6 Image Alt-text
It is like SEO for your images that help you rank on the images page of search engine
7 Schema Markup
Schema markup is structured data that helps search engines better understand the information on your website.
8 Site-mapping
Helping Google understand the most important pages on your website
9 Site speed
Page loading time on mobile and desktop
10Anchor Texting
Linking the most important internal page on your focus and related keyword
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Where is caption?