Not seeing the website traffic your site deserves?
Often, it has nothing to do with the quality of your site or product. Instead, it’s because of a simple SEO mistake.
But these simple mistakes can have a major impact on your business (and your bottom line), and cause your site to lose out on a ton of traffic.
I’ve spent over a decade working with companies on their SEO strategies and have diagnosed plenty of SEO mistakes over the years.
Here are the 7 biggest ones I see:
1. Cloaking (00:24)
2. Keyword stuffing (00:35)
3. Link schemes (1:06)
4. Bad content (1:22)
5. Interstitials (1:48)
6. Too many ads (2:01)
7. Changing URLs (2:12)
Check out the full video for more on each of these, plus bonus tips at the end to help you diagnose the issues that could affect your site.
Any common SEO mistakes to add? Let me know in the comments!
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Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.
#digitalmarketing #internetmarketing
Great advice
Hello… Thanks this short but insightful video…
A quick question: What is the effect of traffic on a page's ranking? What will happen if I drive a lot of traffic by linking to to my Twitter page, or my Google News profile page of a reddit page … or by paid ad traffic… Have you done such an experiment before…?
biggest SEO mistakes is not to make SEO
Choosing the right keywords will be the most crucial step in a successful e-commerce port, and keyword competition can be one of the hot topics at any given time.
Thank you for your videos!