#facebookpixel #googletagmanager
Honorable viewers!
In this video i have tried to show you, how to setup view content event with facebook pixel.
About me:
I’m a dedicated, seasoned professional in digital marketing with extensive expertise in social media and search engine marketing and a track record of delivering excellent outcomes. I have more than 3 years of expertise managing digital marketing campaigns for customers of diverse sizes, industries, and spending ranges.
I’m the one other companies and independent contractors hire to create and manage the SEM and SMM accounts for their customers. Cut out the middleman and let’s collaborate. I understand how to use digital marketing to expand companies and increase sales.
Below is a brief list of my services:
✅ Google ads
✅ Google Tag Manager
✅ Google Analytics
✅ Web Analytics
✅ Facebook Ads
✅ Facebook Pixel
✅ Facebook Conversion API
✅ Server side tracking
✅ Marketing strategy
If you need help with these services, feel free to contact me. Thank you.
My contact info:
Email: Sultanul191@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +8801855010616
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sultanul191
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sultanul191/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMoeminin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sultanul_191/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sultanul-moeminin-1b4b9a233
facebook ads expert
google tag manager expert
facebook pixel expert
how to setup view content events
how to track view content events in facebook pixel
view content events in facebook pixel and gtm
ecommerce tracking
facebook pixel tracking
How to setup facebook pixel view content event in 2023
setup facebook pixel view content event in 2023
Setup view content event with facebook pixel