SEO Ranking Factor #10: VOICE SEARCH
Part 11 of the SEO for Beginners Series
Find the entire series here: https://bit.ly/SEOseries
If you have a website, you’ve probably heard of SEO. And you probably know of a business that pays a tremendous amount of cash each month for this elusive SEO. You know you need it. You know it’s how people find your website, but REALLy what the heck is SEO.
Whether you want to learn how to do it yourself or you are thinking of hiring out, every business owner – every website owner needs to know the basics of SEO.
And that is what I’m doing for you here. From one business owner to another, from a digital marketing agency owner to a small business – this is SEO basics, broken down simple and easy to understand.
If you’ve wanted to know what is SEO, how SEO works, and why SEO matters then this is for you.
In this video, part 11 of 12 in the SEO for beginners series, we are covering SEO for Voice Search. I’m going to answer you:
Why Google Voice is so important
How many people are using voice search
How many people have a smart speaker
How many people use voice search to find local businesses
How do you optimize for voice search
How to show up for voice search
Why FAQ pages show up for voice search
How to get the featured snippet
Why you need to write naturally to get the featured snippet
Why you should speed up your site and page speed for this
How to make your site voice search friendly
How to choose content for voice search
Resources mentioned:
Hubspot guide to featured snippets: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-featured-snippet-box
I hope you enjoyed these voice search seo tips!
Check out the entire series here: https://bit.ly/SEOseries
Hey, I’m Torie
I teach digital marketing to small business owners, like you.
Did you know, you don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business? In fact, you don’t even need a lot of time.
What you need is to be SMART!
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#seo #voicesearch #smallbusiness #growyourbusiness #digitalmarketing