If you’re new to SEO, I’m going to share with you my personal SEO strategy for ranking on the first page so you can use these same steps to rank your webpages. Download the free 9-Step SEO Process Checklist: https://training.portableentrepreneur.com/9stepseo
Follow along with me using a Free 30-day trial for Semrush Pro here: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/semrush or you can get a basic free Semrush account which will give you access to a lot, but not all, data here: https://semrush.sjv.io/WDOoXA
You can see exactly what data you can access with a free Semrush account here: https://youtu.be/Pb-JbhFvrUI
You can literally pull all the data, insights and value from a single dashboard inside of Semrush and if you already have a SEO tool you use like that, use it!
We’re going to cover (1) keyword research, (2) technical SEO, (3) On-page optimization and (4) backlinks.
Get 10,000 free words of copy automatically written for you: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/conversionai
Get 10-20% WP Buffs Maintenance Care Plans: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/wpbuffs-call
SEMRush 30-Day Free Trial: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/semrush
FREE auto-updating privacy policy for your agency (+ a bonus free license for your first client): https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/termageddon
Attract & land your next clients with web audits: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/mywebaudit
The Tools to Make It Happen
SEMRush: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/semrush
Bright Local: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/brightlocal
GeneratePress: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/generatepress
Termageddon: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/termageddon
Thrive Themes: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/thrivethemes
Elegant Themes: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/elegant
WP Buffs: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/wpbuffs
Active Campaign: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/activecampaign
Better Proposals: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/betterproposals
MyWebAudit: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/mywebaudit
Content Snare: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/contentsnare
Flywheel: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/tools/flywheel
* Some of the links that appear on this video are from companies which Portable Entrepreneur will earn an affiliate commission for. Only companies that we have used ourselves and have no hesitation in recommending are listed here.
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