WELCOME TO ANOTHER EPISODE of my DigitalMarketing Blog@WPLV24
Well, well….”look what the SERP dragged in” I wonder what Keyword or Key Phrase landed you on the Digital Marketing section of my online portfolio?
I’ll have to check my Google Analytics and Google Adwords campaign dashboards later…
Today, I want to discuss why and how Digital Marketing can throw your businesses a lifeline during any challenge of its current cycle. Be it Introduction, Growth, Maturity or Decline. Now I want to equate those to the traditional Digital Marketing campaigns goals of Reach, Acquisition, Engagement and finally Retention/Decline thus maximizing any potential solutions. solutions.
Well, during a business or product Introduction Digital Marketing can empower your salesforce with a somewhat automated hourly lead generation mechanism that matches the days headlines and your value proposition through a multi-verse that includes Social, Local, Mobile and Connected prospects/devices that are SEARCHING for SOLUTIONS at the very moment you are LOOKING FOR CLIENTS.
Does not get any better than that!
And if you don’t convince them to take the Action you need the first time you can setup retargeting until they do Patience is a virtue and of-course a mature business will knows that.
Last but no least one must always exit gracefully in order to be able to make a come back should you not wish to stop or reverse the business decline.
It starts with a Yearly On-Page and Off-Page Search Engine Optimization SEO AUDIT of your website to identify the Keywords and Phrases as well as Inbound and outbound website links that will improve your PPC campaigns performance by increasing your QS (Authorithy / Popularity / Reputation) thus lowering your CPC in as little as 1-3 months and helping you find the BEST customers for your current product or service availability.
The end goal is to DO more with LESS and that is the promise of SEO/PPC …You can customize your campaign goals and keywords to match your current Business Cycle or SWOT need and strategically reflect those in your A/B “landing page(s)” to Increase your CTR and Closing Ratios…
Stay tuned!!!