part 4 tutorial SEO . How to rank your website on Google ist page
100 important tips
#dofollowbacklinks #nofollow #seocourse #searchengineoptimization
I am starting the SEO training series in Urdu /Hindi. introduction to SEO and how to make money online with SEO in Pakistan is what I will teach you in this course we are going to learn search engine optimisation step by step with practical work on a live website and we will rank that in Google during this course.
effective search engine optimisation in the secret behind ranking a website on the first page of Google for specific search curies or keyword.
Ist tutorial link what is SEO https://youtu.be/Gv6kGVnfwVk
2nd tutorial link onpage & off page
3rd tutorial link Dofollow or no follow
what is SEO and how does it work?
SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is the process of improving the ranking of a side on search engine result page (serp)
. what is search engine optimisation?
. how to search engine work?
. on page SEO vs page SEO
. keyword research
. main website ranking factors
. baglink building
#seocourse #SEOTutorial
2nd tutorial
part 1: create content which can rank on google
step 1. find what people are searching for search something on Google related to your business you will find related suggestion
step 2 : choose the user you want to reach now each suggested result is a set of the user you want to reach so
you need to choose a term
step 3 : find out what the user mind be looking for
you need to find and understand what really that particular user in looking for
hundred tips how to rank your website on Google word SEO for beginners