On-Page SEO 2022: Search Engine Optimization Testing-SEO Case Study
In today’s case study regarding on page and on site SEO testing. What we will be looking at is on page SEO and how you can optimize your website search engine optimization for testing.
What we will be doing in today’s video is setting up a new test for on Page search engine optimization where we will take a particular keyword and then optimize it.
Learn more about SEO Testing : https://www.seomastermind.org
So what we will set up is a page based on the right word count for on page along with also looking at the right densities the right amount of heading tags or H tags like H1, H2, H3, aged four, each five, so on and so forth but along with having the right age tags densities word counts and images we really want to see does the wording actually matter or is it just having the right words the right amount of times and that’s really what we’re looking at here.
This is going to be a very fun SEO test where we are looking at can Google read. If you have any questions related to on Page search engine optimization or anything on page SEO related or even if you’re interested in learning how to test SE or want to learn more about our SEO tests please feel free to go
ahead and ask in the section below.
#onpageseo #seocasestudy #seotesting
0:00 On-Page SEO 2022: Search Engine Optimization Testing-SEO Case Study
2:00 On-Page SEO Case Study
5:00 SEO Testing Case Study
8:00 Search Engine Optimization Testing
10:00 On-page SEO Testing
12:00 SEO Mastermind Testing
Chris Palmer Marketing SEO
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 810-1080
On-Page SEO Tool : https://pageoptimizer.pro?affiliateCode=4F4DHETY/
Beginner On-Page Tool – https://surferseo.com/?fp_ref=chrispalmerseo
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8P0dc0Zn2gf8L6tJi_k6xg
Checked from Turkey. It doesn't appear.
Just checked from the UK
Your on page 2 you SEO wizard!!!! 

Hi Chris, awesome video man!! can i ask a quick question. I subscribe to a few of the image sites out there but when i can't find a image to use in any of them i go to google images and can 9 times out of 10 find what i need. Would you recommend to alter that image a bit or are they good just to slap up on your site?
If DA and PA don't really matter and on page and links is where its at, is it just a sheer numbers game of backlinks that are niche specific? Loving your content, learning so much.
Dude, I recommend you use the chrome extension DETAILED. They give you the links, headings, words, images, etc in one snapshot.
i know a way that you can index your site within 1 min
Does really da pa ss matters in offpage seo
Thanks for sharing