continue with the business, today my wife and I went to the forest to look for a fruit called rambutan, which has a sweet and sour taste on very tall trees, the trunk of which has a lot of caterpillars. Touch or hair it sticks to our skin will be red, itchy Please LIKE and subsribe us
تعلموا أكثر عن الإسلام بلغتكم من يوتوبات الجوال ونت الجوال فهو السعاده في الدنيا والآخره

The baby's daddy is harvesting a dangerously high rambutan fruits with whole family. Spirits should give the whole family peace and prosperity.

Какие же вы молодцы, счастья вам, крепкого здоровья вам и вашему малышу,мира в семье и взаимопонимания, вы очень дружные, пускай господь оберегает ваш Семейный очаг.

Nyob zoo os kuv tuaj koom neb os sib txhawb os
Sao ko dắt baby đi bệnh viện cái cổ bị vậy ko nên để lAu tội nghiệp quá đi
Please, please try to get that cyst taken care of as soon as you can. Your baby is so precious and such a handsome baby boy.
Saludos familia
Christ was born in a manger then 2000 years back These two people only in greed of money but facilitating things they ignore……. Ignorant of this century and hope it is a forest Steven Vietnam I also feel whether they are in illegal poseesion of this forest wealth No body is seen there only some few people in the market where this fellow goes and sell the agricultural goods
Very good baby never cry in the forest while mother father working. Pls. Cover the baby while working in the forest there are lots of insects might bite your baby.
Porfavor lleven a l bebé al Doctor

Hello bạn nhé.video của bạn hay quá.những hình ảnh sinh hoạt lao động gia đình và thiên nhiên thật tuyệt vời,chúc bạn luôn vui khỏe bình an hp và luôn phát triển
Zoo txhiam qab heev le og phooj ywg kuv tuaj saib naj rau koj lawm og thov koj pab naj rau kuv hab og py

رب يحفظها طفله جميله

Папа будь осторожен /ты нужна малышке
እንደምን አረፈድክ. የምድር ውስጥ ባቡር ፈርን ችግኝ እንዴት ያምራል ይህ ፍሬ እዚህ አለ ልጅሽ እንዴት እንደሚያስጮህ አውቃለሁ እንደምን አረፈድክ. የምድር ውስጥ ባቡር ፈርን ችግኝ እንዴት ያምራል ይህ ፍሬ እዚህ አለ ልጅሽ እንዴት እንደሚያስጮህ አውቃለሁ

O bebê de vcs tá linda saúde felicidade

tiene un marido muy luchador
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