Hey Welcome to our channel Uddyogi Barta. In this channel we are uploaded various types of educational videos related to earning money.
Now we start a new video series related to You Tube SEO . Search Engine Optimization is a very important part of any type of online application like you tube , facebook page ,blog etc.
In this video series we going to discuss YouTube SEO. This video is only introduction about why needs youtube SEO.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the ever-changing practice of designing web content to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search is often the gatekeeper to your content, so optimizing your content for search is necessary to attract traffic and grow a following.
“Rank Your YouTube Channel & Generate Traffic To Your Products, Affiliate Products, and More… Starting Today”
In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder – step-by-step, click by click – and learn how to take your YouTube Channel to brand new heights.
It’s nothing new that YouTube is a huge source of traffic for your products or services.
Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. If you do it wrong and simply upload a video to YouTube in the hopes that it will get ranked both on YouTube and on Google… then you won’t be as effective.
That may have worked back in 2005 where you could just throw a couple backlinks at it, but today is different.
Many of these work and many of them have faded away.
So what works and what doesn’t now?
What is a long-term strategy that will work for years to come?
Understanding what Google wants and making sure what you do looks as natural as possible is the key strategy here.
Channel Uddyogi Barta 9-Part Video Course
Here’s a list of this 8-part video series in more detail:
Rank Your YouTube Channel Higher
Video #1 – Introduction to YouTube Video Traffic
Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing where you need to put your 100% focus into. In addition to that, we will discuss a quick overview of what’s inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You’ll also get to see everything that you need to get started successfully.
Video #2 – What This Is NOT
To ensure you are able to successfully implement this strategy, we want to discuss with you what this is NOT about. The reality is that there’s a lot of misconceptions that people have when it comes to ranking videos on YouTube or even Google. These misconceptions or assumptions that certain things working certain ways don’t work or will actually prevent you from succeeding. So, to make sure that these don’t create roadblocks for you, we want to make sure that you understand what this is not.
Video #3 – What Google Wants & The Strategy
In this video, we are going to discuss what Google wants based on the data that we have seen and how the strategy works. Part of being able to rank on YouTube and Google is to understand what Google wants. If you can understand their vision, then you can adapt a long-term strategy to your ranking strategy. By the end of this video, you should have a better and clearer understanding of what you need for your game plan.
Video #4 – The Ring
Now it’s time to focus on the strategy in a very specific step-by-step plan of attack. This strategy is what we call “the ring”. To make things easier for you, you will be given a visual map of what this looks like in practical terms.
Video #5 – How to Automate The Ring
After viewing the previous video, you can imagine how tedious and overwhelming it is to have to maintain the ring, much less get it setup yourself. Yes, getting good rankings is not an easy shortcut by any means. Lucky for you – there is a way to automate it once you have set things up.
Video #6 – Account Creation
In order to set up the ring, you need to be able to apply best practices in terms of creating accounts. Fortunately for you, we have been creating accounts which have been successful and have failed at the same time, so we are able to share with you what has worked for us. Believe it or not, if you don’t follow these best practices – some of your accounts can potentially be removed or banned by these big platforms.
Video #7 – Outsourcing
As you can see, creating a ring is very time consuming. It can take a week or two for someone who’s never done this before. So, finding somebody who has done this before and has done very effectively is crucial if you want to focus on the other parts of your business. Lucky for you – we have used several and will show you who we get so you don’t have to lose money finding the wrong person…
Video #8 – Testing
Whether you created the ring yourself or hired someone to do it, testing it is very important. In this video, we will show you how to test the ring to make sure that it actually works.
"No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist." –Anonymous
Very helpful information