n today’s video, we gonna look at how you can generate leads for your SEO agency. Everyone knows that at the end of the day business is all about making money. Getting a few clients from here and there might help you in short term but if you wanna scale ad grow you need to know how to generate leads and get clients.
Join Email10k Ultimate and I’ll give you all of my best courses, together with weekly coaching to get you unstuck and scale your agency. Join now at http://email10k.com/
Get 200 Bonus leads by Signing up to Leadshark – https://go.leadshark.com/youtube
If you want us to do Lead Gen for you, check out: https://x27marketing.com
Expert’s guide on Lead Generation for SEO Agency in 2022
The ultimate goal should be to inform them how you’re going to add value to them or their company. The goal isn’t to dive right into your pitch. You want the first email to introduce you as an expert that is going to help them solve a problem that’s holding their businesses back from greatness. Unless you’re a master at the one-email-close, the message should end with a call to action that prompts the next step towards sending them a proposal.
#ColdEmail #leadGeneration #AlexBerman
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Join Email10k Ultimate and I'll give you all of my best courses, together with weekly coaching to get you unstuck and scale your agency. Join now at
How do you send the case study with the email? if you send it as an attachment wont it not deliver?