December 22, 2024

9 thoughts on “English Google SEO office-hours from February 18, 2022

  1. I have a question but I not sure if this is the right place to post questions of that kind.. Anyway please excuse me if I'm out of place here, also excuse my English cause I'm from Venezuela … I know my content is searched visualy in Google images so usually people don't enter my web, so I have a way to know my traffic? In search console I get my clics but in Google images you don't have to visit the website… So how could I see when people download without enter the web… Thanks

  2. For what I was observing (from my own experience, as well as messages in Twitter, on Reddit, and so on) you (Google) changed something regarding Googlebot crawling pages. I don't know if you've reduced the limit of pages that Googlebot crawls (for bigger and smaller sites), but the 'crawling thing' keeps annoying me :-/

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