#leadershipskills #leadershipdevelopment #communicationskills
Ernie initially reached out to me for only a few sessions. But that short period was enough to help him achieve a promotion only a few months later!
He then decided to come back to me for help with the next stage in his career which has led to a longstanding 18-month partnership.
It wasn’t long until Ernie saw himself kicking goal after goal in his new role, having developed the critical soft skills and his own authentic brand of leadership presence that got him noticed on a global stage!
Isn’t it a great feeling when an SMM personally reaches out to you from the other side of the world to say they’ve heard great things about you?!
It’s been a real joy witnessing the results of his hard work and his continued growth, and I can’t wait to see what’s next in store for him!
Do you want to experience results like Ernie has?
With the right guidance, tools, and strategies, it’s possible!
Book a Discovery Call now: https://bit.ly/nicolesfreediscoverycall
Nicole Schmitz is a Leadership Coach with a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Law.
She is known for enabling senior corporate execs and entrepreneurs to find their Leadership X-Factor – to think, speak, and connect like charismatic thought leaders to get ahead in their careers and lives.
How would you rate the power of your leadership communication? Take my 5-minute Leadership X-Factor scorecard and get a FREE personalized report!
Follow me on social media!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-sc…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicoleschmit…
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleschmi…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicole_schmitz
Contact me on: info@nicoleschmitzcoaching.com
Disclaimer: Nicole Schmitz is not affiliated with AHPRA or the Law Society of NSW. Her ideas constitute general advice and should not be taken as formal therapy or legal advice.
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