Basic Search Engine Optimization Techniques
Let’s talk about some basic search engine optimization techniques.
Firstly, make sure you have done the appropriate keyword research to find a keyword that you would like to target.
Once you have this keyword, you will want to properly optimize your website so that this keyword appears in the title, description and even the website URL, if possible.
This will help to ensure the search engines know exactly what you are targeting, so that they can show your website in the search results to those who are looking for what you are offering.
For those who are starting out, this may not be easy, especially if you don’t know how to create a website.
Introducing Groove.
With Groove, and its flagship app called GroovePages, website building is drag and drop easy.
Simply use GroovePages to enter in your keywords in the exact places you need them to show up, and the very basics of search engine optimization would be applied to your website.
Give it a try right now. It’s free.
And we will see you on the inside.
Sign up for your free lifetime access at https://groove.cm
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GrooveFunnels WalkThrough: Set Up Custom Domains On GroovePages
GrooveFunnels WalkThrough: GrooveSell | How To Create Product Funnels
GrooveFunnels WalkThrough: GrooveSell | How To Set Up Products
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Have you applied these basic SEO techniques on your GroovePages website?
groove pages are a way to get to learn as you are earning
Thank you for sharing! Whoops whoops! I just learn something new today

Thanks for the informative video. SEO is so underrated in today's fast paced world. People should show patience and work on it for the long term.