In this webinar from James Akers, Tech Champion for Data Analytics and Insight, you will learn how to configure Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to track custom metrics and build your own reports.
You will learn:
– The advanced configuration options in GA4, such as setting up custom dimensions and metrics, creating audiences, and integrating with third-party systems.
– How to integrate GA4 with other Google products, such as Google Ads and Google Search Console, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of website performance.
– How to build custom reports to analyse user behaviour, optimise marketing campaigns and track your key objectives.
Webinar resources:
Webinar recording – Advanced configuration and custom reporting in Google Analytics 4
The Digital Culture Network provides practical, on the ground help to the arts and culture sector. Our focus is around digital skills and leadership development.
We can help you:
– Explore and harness the benefits of technology to achieve your goals.
– Find new ways to reach and engage audiences.
– Develop sustainable business models.
We support you in different ways:
– One-to-one support from a team of Tech Champions specialising in digital content, eCommerce, data analytics, social media, digital strategy, email marketing, ticketing and CRM, websites and search engine marketing.
– Practical workshops and webinars to improve skills and engage with peers.
– Signposting to resources and training from us and our partners
– Support with technology related funding opportunities
– National and regional training days delivered with technology partners.
You can get in touch on digitalnetwork@artscouncil.org.uk, by visiting our website https://digitalculturenetwork.org.uk or on Twitter @ace_dcn.