It’s time to stare at that blank page and figure out what you’re going to write, because today is the number one way to do content marketing for 2022.
Today is number one, and this one really is the most important, so we’re going to get right into it.
I have talked about five ways to do content marketing in 2022.
Several weeks ago, I started with webinars and videos.
Number four was ebooks, blogs and emails and today is going to be a little bit about that as well.
Number three was all about infographics, how to use infographics to not only engage your customers but how they can work with SEO and marketing as well.
Last week, I talked about podcasts, either doing your own podcast or interviewing on someone else’s.
And this week, it’s all about writing. Yes, that dreaded writing; writing content, looking at that blank page and not being able to figure out what you’re going to put on it.
It is the most important thing because, if you think about it, let’s say the internet becomes perfect and Google, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, and all the search engines, when you do a video, they automatically transcribe it, and they know exactly what the video is saying.
What are they transcribing that to? Text.
Let’s say they automatically transcribe all the podcasts and they do it automatically, and it works fantastic. What are they transcribing those podcasts to? Text.
Text runs the internet. I’ve been on the Messages and Methods podcast three times now. Toby and Shelly run that podcast and I really liked them.
Toby mentioned something that I really think is so true. I usually say that content is king. And he happened to mention that he thinks that content isn’t just king, content is necessary. I say content is king meaning that content is at the top, it’s the most important, it’s the ruling authority.
But when you say content is necessary, that means it’s one of the building blocks, one of the cornerstones that you have to rely on to build everything else up from and I agree with him.
Today content isn’t King, content is necessary; it has to be done.
Let’s talk about some ways to get that content done. The first thing you need to do is to figure out what keywords your potential clients are using to find your business; that is extremely important. I’ve done several episodes on keywords (#44, Using Low-Volume Keywords, and #19, The Stingray and other Long-Tail Keywords are two of them). Keywords are very important. However, keywords aren’t going to help if you don’t know who your target audience is.
And I also have a free training on how to find your target audience. Click here to go to Port Bell Digital Academy. Click on “Local SEO 101” training, the first lesson, Finding Your IG (your target audience) is free.
So listen to the podcasts on doing your keywords and watch the free training on how to find your ideal target audience.
Once you have those two down, the keywords, think of them as almost as bullet points for your content. You can take those bullet points if you’re not a writer… First off, if you’re not a writer, become one, at least a little bit of one, write once a week; sit down once a week and just write something (if nothing else, write about what you learned that day and what obstacles you overcame).
If you have your list of keywords, write content about each of those keywords, whether or not you ever use it. Practice makes better. I know the saying is practice makes perfect, but there’s nothing perfect in this world. Practice makes better though.
So the more you write, the more you get used to writing, the more comfortable you are with writing, the better you’re going to be. But here’s the trick at the beginning. And if you’ve been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you probably know what I’m going to say; jump onto Upwork or fiverr.com. Jump onto either one of those, hire a freelancer and get them to write the content for you (or contact us to help you with that. We will work with the freelancers for you).
What they give you will not be perfect, and is not going to be in your words. In fact, I would go with one of the least expensive freelancers. Go to Fiverr, give them $5 or $10 to write 1500 words and find one that does not do the best job because you don’t want one that does the best job.
It’s a lot easier to edit and change words that are already there and put it into your own words than it is to look at a blank screen and try to figure out what to write.
So hire an inexpensive freelancer and then rewrite it yourself from there.
In fact, I think I just might do a series of episodes on building blocks, because there’s another one that’s come up that I want to talk about in a future episode about hosting.
People don’t ever think about hosting, they just grab whatever hosting they can find, usually the cheapest we can find, right?
This is Dr. Ty. Thanks a lot, y’all. Take care