I am seeing signs of another possible Google Search ranking algorithm update today that kicked off last night into today (October 24 and October 25). This is an unconfirmed update, Google has not announced any official update yet but maybe this is the first set of tremors post the completion of the Google October 2023 core update and spam update?
I am currently watching a large spike in chatter without the SEO community as of this morning. Generally that chatter will continue to increase as SEOs in the West wake up and check their analytics and tracking tools.
Plus, some of the automated Google tracking tools are showing volatility already. I assume by tomorrow and later today, the tools that are not showing the search result volatility will see it then.
Here is what I am seeing.
Tracking Tools On October 25, 2023 Unconfirmed Google Update
Here is what the automated tracking tools show for October 25, 2023 iuncofnriemd Google update over the two-week or so period.
SEO Community Chatter
Here is some of the chatter from within the SEO community around this unconfirmed update. I am getting these comments from WebmasterWorld and the comments on this site:
Was there a SERP update recently? The reason I ask is because my traffic has jumped about 23%. However, I don’t know of any updates.
I can answer my own question, the answer was 19.00 UK time yesterday. Traffic was completely normal and then almost off the edge of the cliff and back to the levels seen duing the updates.
UK. big shuffling today.
UAE: I saw a slight drop in my keywords…
Something is definitely happening for the past 2 days.
2 days back, I reported traffic was a bit low but my conversions improved.
Yesterday, not a single conversion from Google’s traffic while traffic became even lower than before (50% difference).
Did a quick check on my keyword rankings and they’re fluctuating crazily, especially any product or buyer-intent keywords. You all may want to check it out too.
I reported yesterday a 3x boost in traffic before noon. It declined rapidly after that (to well below normal), so I can only assume they were then pushing that traffic boost to other sites at my expense.
you’re right about something happening. just checked the semrush sensor and it’s at 8.0. and your prediction makes sense. these things always start well before they announce.
agree. Quick one: did ytd spike you seen translate into conversions as well, and if the trend is keeping for today ref. traffic? Asking as I think for couple of business we run today is settling to normal again, and conversions for ytd though traffic was up nicely were not following the trend with traffic?
Traffic is so low today, Google engineers trying so hard to get 1% of the traffic they left from bloggers and publishers and turning all the traffic to big companies and quora reddit.
Early on yesterday we had a very high rate of conversions. Far more (3X) than I would usually expect. Later on in the day they really dropped off (below normal). Same low traffic/conversions today.
@rustybrick Are you getting any reporting from people seeing rankings return then leave repeatedly over the last few weeks? We are seeing this.
— Donna Rougeau (@donnathecoach) October 25, 2023
Are you noticing any reversals or changes in your Google search rankings since yesterday?
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.