Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.
Google has released the third product reviews update, the March 2022 Product Reviews update and here is what we see so far with this update. Google said it cut irrelevant search results down by over 50% in seven years, that over 60% more queries are natural language and Google launched 5,000 changes with 800,000 experiments in 2021. Google launched a new Google Partners Directory. Google paused ads that have content that exploits, dismisses or condones the Russia-Ukraine war. Google is testing a light gray search box feature. Google had a feature, by accident, that told you which stocks to buy and more search news below.
Search Engine Roundtable Stories:
- March 2022 Google Product Reviews Update Rolling Out – Everything We See So Far
Google has rolled out its third version of the product reviews update, named the March 2022 Product Reviews Update. The previous two versions were the April 2021 Product Reviews Update and the December 2021 Product Reviews Update. The March version was updated to incorporate more signals and criteria in this niche ranking algorithm. - Google: We Reduced Irrelevant Search Results By 50% & Made 5,000 Changes In 2021
Google said in a spotlight piece of Danny Sullivan’s 25 year career in search (which is a nice thing) that Google reduced irrelevant search results by more than half in the past seven years. Google measured that number by looking at its own internal quality raters metrics. - New Google Partners Directory Now Live
Google has launched the new Google Partners directory with new ways to search for partners and also the new and updated partner program. Google said “now it’s easier than ever to find the right partner to help you grow your business.” - Google Pauses Ads That Exploits, Dismisses Or Condones The Russia-Ukraine War
Google last night posted a new policy in the sensitive events category that will pause ads that exploits, dismisses or condones the Russia and Ukraine war. Google wrote “due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause ads containing content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war.” - Google Search Recommends Which Stocks To Buy Now
If you do a search in Google Search for [inflation stocks], Google will show you a related searches feature with the title “stocks to buy now.” To savvy SEOs and searches, we know this is not Google recommending these stocks to buy but rather this is a related searches feature on the top of which stocks to buy based on content on the web. - Google Search Tests Light Gray Search Box
Google seems to be testing another variation of the Google Search box. This one is a light gray background color for the search box. We recently saw Google testing the dark borders for the search box and also an edgeless search box. - Rooftop Mini Golf At Google Toronto
Here is a photo, an old photo, from the Google Toronto office of the rooftop where they have miniature golf set up. There are more photos below where you can see the set up.
Other Great Search Threads:
- How does a company even deliver 800,000 experiments in a single year? That’s 2,191 per day…, Ryan Siddle on Twitter
- On doing a second branded search of PI firms in Oklahoma City, Google serps related the two and displayed a carousel of local competition, Andy Simpson on Twitter
- This “limited by budget”
display is a first for me. Though I am probably behind, Greg Finn on Twitter
- I think I’m missing context here. Care to elaborate? Just because your business is called cheap-insurance .com doesn’t mean it’ll rank first for [cheap insurance]. If you use generic names for a name, John Mueller on Twitter
- Often, mistakes come from taking one thing that’s relevant in one place, and blindly applying it to all places. It’s good to understand the context, and determine which parts a, John Mueller on Twitter
- You should be able to check if they show up in the rendered source with the mobile friendly test, or by searching for the anchor text with a site:-query., John Mueller on Twitter
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