Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.
Google says there are no plans for a keyword tab for performance max campaigns but negative keywords are coming. Also, Google Ads Editor’s next version will support performance max campaigns. Google Ads has a new destination not accessible policy. Google said there is no site wide snippet ban going on. Google is asking searchers if they own a product before they leave a review. Finally, it seems Google might be doing away with the appointment link in Google Business listings profiles.
Search Engine Roundtable Stories:
- Google Search Asks Do You Own This Product Before Reviewing It
Google is now asking searchers if they own the product before they rate it. Google asks under the rate and review box “do you own this product” and “help others by sharing your experience.” - Google: There Is No Snippet Wide Ban
Over the past few months, there have been some SEO folks asking me about Google’s snippet wide ban. I have never heard or seen such a thing, so I just replied as such and told them that rich results and features can go away after a core update is released – it’s a quality thing. - Google Business Profiles Manager Removes Appointment Link
Google Business Profile manager seems to have removed the ability to modify or add a new appointment link to your business profile in Google Maps and Google Search. It is unclear if this is a bug or a feature Google is intentionally removing. - Google Ads Editor To Gain Performance Max Campaigns In Next Release
Google will be bringing performance max campaign support to the Google Ads Editor in the next release, according to Ginny Marvin. We are currently at version 1.8 – so it might be in version 1.9 or maybe they will go directly to version 2.0. - New Google Ads Destination Not Accessible Policy
Google Ads announced it is adding a new “destination not accessible” policy under the Google destination requirements policy. Google is also making changes and clarifications to the document overall. Google said the changes go into enforcement March 21, 2022. - Google: No Plans For Keyword Tab In Performance Max But Negative Keywords Are Coming
Ginny Marvin, the Google Ads Liaison said on Twitter that there are no plans for a keyword tab in Performance Max campaigns but there are plans for to support negative keywords for brand safety at the account level. - Googler Takes Retirement Exit Selfie
Here is a freshly former Googler, a former Google employee who just recently retired, who took a selfie of himself as he had his “final exit from a Google building.” That is how he put it when he post
Other Great Search Threads:
- @dkb868 I work for Google Search, passed your feedback along, thanks. You said in the post that quotes don’t give exact matches. They really do. Honest. Put a word or phrase in quotes, that’s what we’ll match. If anyone ha, Danny Sullivan on Twitter
- Did you know that you have the right to be forgotten? If a search query for your name contains irrelevant or excessive information, you can delist results.
Learn how → https://t.c, Google Search Central on Twitter
- Heads-up. If you are publishing Web Stories, check out the Data Studio dashboard that Google released. Includes story starts, time spent, completion rate, audience age, gender, device breakdown, traffic channels, story-level p, Glenn Gabe on Twitter
- It is serious. If Google services are slowing your pages down in ways you don’t want to accept, either integrate them differently, or consider other services (and please send them feedback too). Don’, John Mueller on Twitter
- They’re against our guidelines: I’d recommend getting rid of them all. And reviewing our guidelines for other bad practices that the site might have been doing., John Mueller on Twitter
- @rsg I know it’s just an ongoing meme in the SEO community that search is dying and always wrong, so far, unless this time is different (I’m unconvinced it is, but I don’t work there anymore so no horse in that race here), Adam Singer on Twitter
- Firefox and Chrome are about to get to version 100, and an extra digit in their user-agent string. This will break some websites, despite checking the UA string being an antipattern. Read and follow Mozilla’s very helpful guide, Pierre Far on Twitter
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