SECURITY is one thing a person looks for at every step. It is also given the top priority in Google. While we make a search on the World Wide Web (WWW), you need to make sure you are secure about your identity and personal information. The best method of doing this is by locking your information through SSL(Secure Socket Layer). Also known as HTTPS, it is a technology that encrypts the information going to and from your server.
When you enable the HTTPS on your website, it means that the usage of Google drive, search tool and the email software has a secure connection to Google. You can view a green lock before the url of your website, ensuring that your website is secured. Whenever you login to a website and exchange information, HTTPS makes sure that the communication between the browser and website is secured.
Here are some important reasons why HTTPS should be enabled on your website:
Using the HTTPs improves Google Ranking
Google announces that https are important. Hence Google is giving a ranking boost to the Secure HTTPS/SSL sites. A website with HTTPS enabled will get an edge over a website without it during the search result. This means that with HTTPS enabled, your website have a higher chances of topping the search result than a website which does not use HTTP on its website. Google announced that the aim to “encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web.”
Business Friendly
This goes out specially for the online shopping website, where the end user is exchanging a lot of personal information including the credit card numbers and bank details. This makes it mandatory that your website is secured so that this vital information are not hacked or leaked. SSL provides a strong authority to your online store and makes it safer for the users to put in their vital information. Think about it! A website with no HTTPS enabled on it might as well loose business.
HTTPS is important for Google Accelerated Pages (AMP)
AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages are those pages which load instantly on your mobile screen at a lightning speed. With most of the web traffic coming majorly through mobile phones, it’s quite likely that websites will be ranked based on the speed at which they load on the mobile. Hence the mobile version of a website will be important to index it on Google.
HTTPS protects the integrity of the website
When you have HTTPS enabled on your website, it prevents the outsiders to tamper with the information that is shared between your website and the end users browser. Malicious attackers can try to break user experiences and create security vulnerabilities by asking the users to give up personal information or install malwares or insert advertisements. This interference may occur at various levels on the network. HTTPS however gives freedom from this giving you a rich browsing experience.
“Not secure” tag from Chrome
From the onset of 2017, Chrome will start displaying a tag of “Not Secure” to those websites which are not HTTPS enabled. Even without this tag, the algorithm states that less than 3% of the visitors are willing to shop on non HTTPS enabled sites. Once this tag starts displaying on your website, it’s quite likely that the end user will immediately log off from your website.
Use HTTPS on your website for protection and to protect the authenticity of the page. HTTPS is one of the most important way of ensuring privacy and security. Make sure that the user has a delighted experience while browsing without any third party interference.