What’s next for content marketing? As writers look to streamline their creative processes and scale their ability to craft engaging, impactful marketing conversations, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will play an increasingly significant role. Just not necessarily in the way you might think.
No matter how sophisticated the technology may become, AI won’t replace the human content creators on your marketing team. Instead, it will help make their work more relevant, easier to produce, and better aligned with their audience’s needs and interests.
In other words, AI will empower writers to achieve their marketing goals with greater creativity, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Why AI won’t replace writers
If you’re reading this, you recognize the value of content marketing. You’ve probably also seen articles predicting that AI and machine learning will eventually replace the need for human workers across a broad spectrum of industries and roles. But when it comes to content marketing, creative marketers need not worry about machines taking over their jobs and rendering them obsolete.
The role tech will play is much more nuanced. Content is essentially a form of communication between two human beings; while automation can certainly enhance many aspects of its creation and delivery, it probably will never replace writers entirely.
Instead, it will make the writing process easier and more intuitive than ever, unlocking new opportunities for creators and dramatically transforming how marketers approach high-quality content creation at every level.
A creative revolution is on the way
Over the last decade, we’ve seen a massive shift in how brands leverage creativity to build their businesses online. Today, AI-powered writing tools are leading the charge to democratize content marketing success for businesses of all sizes and skill levels.
Just as the printing press and other disruptive technologies have previously evolved human communication, AI offers a tremendous potential to improve how we manage some of the most tedious, costly, and frustrating creative tasks, as veteran copywriter Jacob McMillen explains:
“I’ve paid several hundred dollars for first drafts I then rewrote completely. I’ve spent hours hung up on phrases and ideas that had me in a mental rut. I’ve procrastinated for days on pieces of articles that were simple and boring but mandatory. GPT-3 tools like Copy.AI have allowed me to skip some of the worst, most frustrating parts of what I do as a writer and jump straight to developing and polishing the core substance of my copywriting pieces. It’s the single most effective productivity tool I’ve ever used as a writer.”
AI offers a tremendous potential to disrupt how we manage some of the most tedious, costly, and frustrating creative tasks, says @chris_lu of @copy_ai #Sponsored Click To Tweet
3 ways AI will empower writers
1. Writer’s block will become a thing of the past
We all know how frustrating writer’s block can be – nobody likes staring at a blinking cursor for hours before churning out a single paragraph worth keeping. This is especially common if you find yourself writing about the same topic frequently – like content marketers often do when writing blog posts or crafting social media updates. Top writers are already outsourcing their first drafts to junior writers — now, imagine a world where anyone can write the first draft of a high-quality blog post in under five minutes.
Author and entrepreneur Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income explains:
“One of the hardest parts of writing is staring at a blank screen, aka. ‘the blinking cursor of death.’ AI can get us from 0% to 60%, and sometimes even up to 75% of the way there, so we’re no longer starting from scratch. It’s such a time-saver.”
Imagine a world where anyone can write the first draft of a high-quality blog post in under five minutes, says @chris_lu of @copy_ai #Sponsored Click To Tweet
2. Writers will work faster
As AI tools become more sophisticated, writers will be able to rely on them for many of the tasks that currently slow them down. For example, AI-driven software like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor can already help writers spot grammatical errors and sentence structure problems with ease. By reducing the need for writers to edit their own work, they’ll have more time for the fun stuff: researching new topics, exploring new formats, and coming up with appealing headlines.
3. Writers will learn more as they write
The latest natural-language AI models, such as GPT-3, are trained on a massive amount of data from the internet, giving them a far broader understanding of the world than any human could hope to achieve in their lifetime. As AI writing tools become more sophisticated, writers will be able to draw from an ever-expanding base of information as they compose their works. Not only will they write faster and smarter, but they’ll also uncover new ideas, insights, and perspectives they may not have considered before.
As AI writing tools become more sophisticated, writers will be able to write faster – and uncover new ideas, insights, and perspectives, says @chris_lu of @copy_ai #Sponsored Click To Tweet
Content marketing is here to stay, but AI will make it easier than ever
It’s hard to imagine a world where machines produce content. But it’s not difficult to envision a future where AI, writers, and marketers can work together to make their content better and more effective.
Machine learning should not be viewed as a threat to people’s livelihoods, but rather as a valuable tool for creating better workflows and producing more effective marketing campaigns. Ultimately, AI will complement human efforts, enhance our workflows, and make us more creative as we move into the future of marketing and technology.
Not convinced? Try out an AI writing tool yourself!
Copy.ai is the leading provider of AI-generated content in the world. We create everything from copy for your website to social media posts, email blasts, and more, all with a click of a button.
We believe that incredible ideas don’t have to be created by just a select few—instead, we should all be able to access our creativity and make it work for us. We’re here to help you achieve your goals with the power of artificial intelligence.