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The 4th industrial revolution conceptualized rapid changes to technology, industries, and societal patterns in the 21st century due to increasing interconnectivity and smart automation. Along with fundamental changes in global production and supply networks, the dimension of marketing also shifted from traditional television advertisements to digital platforms like Pinterest, google ads, LinkedIn, and Youtube. With 22.8 billion visits, Youtube is the second most visited website in the world after Google bringing numerous benefits to brands as well as individuals. Apart from being a source of entertainment, this platform is a very powerful marketing tool. Keyword optimization, tutorials, product reviews make Youtube the most effective in bringing visibility and prospect to the brands.
00:00:00 Agenda
00:03:15 Introduction to Marketing
00:10:28 Digital Marketing
00:16:35 What is YouTube Marketing
00:23:02 Mastering Storytelling on Youtube
00:29:56 Youtube Marketing Strategy
00:38:53 YouTube SEO
00:43:09 Youtube Marketing Tools
00:49:20 Summary
In this video of Youtube marketing, we are going to cover the basics of the topic, mastering storytelling and marketing strategies, and learning about some of the YouTube marketing tools.
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